Saturday, January 20, 2007

You're Not in Kansas Anymore

Sam Brownback (KS) today announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination and the formation of an exploratory committee. If the committee is worth a damn, they'll at least drop hints to Sam that America is not prepared to tolerate someone who makes Bush look socially liberal. After eight years of Bush desperately trying to work his evangelicalism into government, there is a very small minority who could tolerate a man who would probably seriously consider making a man like Jerry Falwell his running mate. The state of Kansas elected him their senator. This is still a democracy and that's their right, but America cannot afford to even half-heartedly recognize a bigot who believes the courts should not be allowed to rule on "religious" issues.

In a sense, though, he's right. Issues like abortion and stem cell research are medical issues that should not play such a polarizing role in political campaigns. Do we really prefer our teenage girls and women to receive a homemade abortion with a coat hanger? Do we really believe that a "life" that has no idea it's living takes priority over the 50 year old with a wife and three kids dying of Parkinson's? Do we really want a president who believes he can speak to stem cells? I think the mainstream answer to these questions is "no". He's not running for a position that represents Kansas. He's running to represent an entire nation, mixed with Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, gay, straight, you name it. Brownback is one of the narrow-minded religious conservatives selectively using the Bible to suit his own personal bigotry. But because this is America and not the theocracy people like him wish it to be, he can run. He'll fall far short of the nomination, and that's also the beauty of this country.

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