Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Judicial Activism

The Constitution and the Bible are quite possibly two of the most manipulated documents in history, read selectively by readers to suit policy and moral preferences throughout their respective histories. I'll address Bible thumpers somewhere down the road. Bur for now...The Constitution and its interpretation by jurists has been at the heart of the Bush adminstration's domestic policy since he came to power in 2001, so-called "judicial activism". Among the administration and its supporters, there are few issues more important than judicial activism. They believe liberal jurists are quickly running this country into the ground by defying the laws set forth in the Constitution in favor of their own liberal agenda. In fact, this activism argument is among the key talking points of anti-Democrat rhetoric.

Those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

The contents of a speech marked for delivery by Attorney General Alberto Gonzales to the American Enterprise Institute tomorrow were released today. According to the strict constructionist, jurists should bow to the will of the president on issues of national security. Hmmm. Now, I thought the three branches were equal. The whole checks and balances thing? In fact, according to Gonzales,

“We want to determine whether he (a jurist) understands the inherent limits that make an unelected judiciary inferior to Congress or the president in making policy judgments,”

Mooorre hypocritical...

“That, for example, a judge will never be in the best position to know what is in the national security interests of our country.”


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