Friday, January 12, 2007

God Hates Sweden and Canada

Apparently God also hates America and we should thank Him for dead soldiers and the IEDs he makes. All this, and much more, is according to quite possibly one of the most bigot-filled groups ever, the Westboro Church in Topeka, KS and their leader Fred Phelps (I’m not about to bestow him with his title Reverend). The group has demonstrated at funerals for decades, from AIDS victims, to the Sago mining tragedy (I’m surprised they made it out of WV alive), to funerals of fallen soldiers. And why? Because they are God's messengers and because God is a hateful, vengeful God (“You can’t preach the Bible without preaching the hatred of God” ). He is smiting America for its tolerance of the most criminal act the world has ever known, homosexuality. Nevermind that probably none of soldiers whose funerals they have protested at were gay.

So after all this time, it turns out God thought up the whole improvised-explosive-device thing and therefore it’s God, not Bush, who is the one to blame? Lets keep following that line of lunacy, shall we? God is bestowing these Islamic insurgents with a knack for creating cheap and effective explosives. This means, at least to me, that God favors the Muslims. Either that or God is so utterly petty as to side with Muslims who like blowing people up, in order to prove a point that even though He created all people, He really only created the gays by accident and now regrets that decision.

Phelps and his hate group are opposing legislation being passed across the country that bans protestors like him at funerals on the grounds that it violates their Constitutional right to organize. Must we always fight to defend the Constitution, even when doing so allows the desecration of the memories of those who fought so hard and gave so much defending it?

I do take comfort in knowing that at 77 years old, it won’t be long before Phelps is rotting in the outer ring of the 7th circle of hell. And while it is certainly not the moral high ground, I can only hope there are protestors at his funeral. Maybe then his family, which accounts for nearly all of his 100 member congregation, will know the pain they are inflicting on the families of those who have given the ultimate sacrifice in defense of this country and their freedoms.

Oh, and God also hates Sweden and Canada. Who knew?

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