Friday, April 11, 2008

Torching the Fence

According to a story by the AP, border officials say the fence has only forced illegal immigrants to bring along extra equipment for their journey to the U.S., including ladders, bungee cords, and various blow torches. Agents "almost immediately" started seeing cuts in the fence after its construction. Wait, you mean the fence might not be working! Shocking. We wasted how much money building this damn thing? And yet for some reason the simple-minded proponents of the fence couldn't foresee this. It amazes me when supposedly smart people manage to only see the world in black and white, as if immigrants were actually going to walk up to the fence, decide its not worth it, and go back home. Idiots. And so not only do we have the cost of construction we have the daily cost of repair.

1 comment:

LL said...

The fence was one of the most idiotic things to come out of the Bush presidency - and that's saying quite a lot.