Thursday, April 10, 2008

Bush Is An Idiot

I realize the title of this post could be applied to just about any post regarding Bush, but since I have not used it yet and since it fits quite well with the topic, today is the day. Following Petraeus' recommendation to put a hold on troop withdrawals, Bush recently told reporters that the General will "have all the time he needs", which is basically another big "fuck you" to the American people. We keep getting strung along with stories about "progress", "staying the course", and Iraq being on the brink of functional. It's all bullshit designed to keep us following a carrot we can't see but which we're told is right in front of our faces, kind of like the WMDs. We're just not focusing. If the "surge" is really a permanent troop increase in disguise, then for God's sake call it that.

Anyway, this brings me to Bush's stupid moment of the day, or hour in his case. In response to criticism labeling Petraeus' recommendations as a "pause", our scholarly leader had this to say...

"That's misleading because none of our operations in Iraq will be on hold".

No shit. I would certainly hope the order isn't going out to stop operations. But I could see how Bush might get bored, escape from his handlers, issue an order for everyone to freeze, and the slowest soldier is out. It'd be a fun game with 150,000 people. Actually when I first read the statement, I pictured John Stewart impersonating Bush and saying "You see, everyone would have to stop moving for it to be called a pause. He he. I haven't given that order yet, so people are still moving. Things are still happening. Oh look at the kitty."

The FOX News article is great. It talks about the troop levels as "A sore point for Democrats." No it's a sore point for Americans. Read the polls you journalistic hacks.

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