Friday, April 25, 2008

Attacking Wright "Unfair"?

Pastor Wright recently did an interview with PBS complaining that critics were being "unfair" and "devious". Poor thing. I can see how he might view the criticisms as "unjust". It's not like there's anything unfair about calling this the US of KKK or leading a congregation in singing God Damn America. This piece of shit deserves every bit of vitriol he's getting, and I'm sick of hearing him, Obama, and Obama's supporters crying about how unfair the whole thing is. Whether you're black, brown, white, or whatever, this is politics. Deal with it.

The "soundbites" we've been hearing are more than just the work of devious, white supremacists intent on keeping the black man down. They are statements that represent Wright's core beliefs, beliefs that he reinforced at a recent eulogy with similar statements. Obama attended his "church" and was taken under his wing and damn it Obama deserves all of the scrutiny he's getting, including his relationship with Ayers. But God forbid we critize too loudly the first black man with a shot in hell of becoming president. That makes us all racists. I think his supporters would blindly defend him through just about anything.


Wineplz said...

He makes me crazy. I think only the media that keeps him in the spotlight makes me crazier. He's an idiot that is just as racist as he claims all of white America to be.

h*dizzle said...

ugh i agree. i think obama is out of touch with reality. along with his lack of experience in politics. i seriously would worry about this country if he was the democratic candidate (im a republican all the way so i seriously worry about any dem but id prefer hilary cause i know mccain can take her out easily..she served tea as first lady and i mean he survived in a POW camp, tough as nails!