Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Rewrite The Constitution?!

News of Huckabee's recent remarks regarding the rewriting of the Constitution are beginning to surface. At a campaign rally he argued that the document should be rewritten to reflect Christian values. And what's worse is that people were cheering their stupid heads off.

I'm so infuriated I don't know where to begin. This is supposed to be a free and tolerant country with a separation of church and state. We criticize and mock theocratic countries like Iran and yet we have a front runner who is an intolerant, ignorant evangelical minister! There is no defense for his remarks, though many supporters will try. In fact Huckabee did try, or rather the prick tried to dismiss the notion he suggested amending the Constitution.

I am praying he drops like rock, as he should. The America I believe in would not have this bastard as one of two candidates vying for the most powerful office in the world. Not even today's warped Republican party could support this. The mainstream news outlets have not run with the story yet but soon hopefully. And as if this is not enough to disqualify him, stories portraying a vindictive and unethical governor are very slowly surfacing. They can't come soon enough.

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