Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Florida Offers Some Relief

With a petty, vindictive, and exploitative mayor placing a distant third and an ignorant Baptist minister no where to be seen, the results in Florida offer some hope that the Republican party can be saved from the neocon, religious nut jobs who have held it hostage. Granted, Florida is more liberal than some but it's an important state and combined with similar recent primary results it has pushed Giuliani out, put one more nail in Huckabee's campaign, and put McCain (the most palatable of the candidates) in the lead. This should change little with Super Tuesday just around the corner, when other important states like California and New York head to the polls. We just need to shake that damn positionless Mormon.

And what the hell is wrong with the Democratic primaries? Some states get delegates but others don't because they moved up their primaries? Come on. Grow up. We ought to be encouraging the democratic process. Taking away a states delegates, as the DNC did with Michigan and Florida, does nothing but penalize the democratic process and further disenfranchise those who feel like their vote does not count.

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