Wednesday, January 9, 2008

McCain/Clinton Win New Hampshire

I would almost be happy about McCain's win if it were not for the fact that he has pandered to the religious right. And Falwell of all people! It's like selling your soul to the devil. He's still probably the best Republican candidate out there. My hope is that he's merely giving lip service to the religious right.

But I couldn't be happier about Rudy's and Thompson's nose dives. Rudy has exploited 9/11 almost since 9/12. And Thompson was doomed from the beginning. He approached this like he did the Senate. He woke up long enough to be heard and then went back to sleep. I'm guessing his trophy wife is pissed as hell. As for Clinton, I guess there is crying on the campaign trail. There are so many things and so many people wrong with this election. It's one giant freak show. What the hell is happening to politics in this country?

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