Monday, July 16, 2007

Vitter Sweet

Vitter made his first public address today, apologizing for his involvement with the DC prostitution ring. At the same address, his wife, the same woman who said she would react much like Lorena Bobbit in this situation, requested that the media back off. I feel sorry for their children, but it's extremely gratifying to see him under the spotlight of public scrutiny after he had the audacity to declare himself a family values candidate, the hypocritical bastard. This is the type of men leading the charge against homosexuality in defense of the "sanctity" of marriage. He is the type of man hijacking my party and arrogantly declaring it the family values party. It seems like a week doesn't go by any more without the hypocrisy shining through. Hats off to Larry Flynt for exposing the s.o.b. I'm taking bets on how long before Vitter is found with a prostitute. Any takers?

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