Thursday, July 12, 2007

Al Qaeda Strongest Since 9/11

A new threat assessment report from U.S. counterterrorism analysts says that Al Qaeda is now as strong as it was in the months prior to 9/11. The title is "Al Qaeda better positioned to strike the West". But how can that be? The administration and its Bushbots tell me we're fighting them over there so they can't attack us here. Idiots.

We can stay in Iraq for decades. Hell we can even start fighting with something resembling a strategy or a plan, but we will probably be attacked again and staying over there doesn't make a damn bit of difference. As a matter of fact, our presence only creates new terrorists, new insurgents. But anyone who dares to mention the facts, or dares to recognize the complete incompetence, is shouted down as unpatriotic or defeatist. Bullshit. It's called independent thought. It's called not swallowing the illogical crap laid out day after day like a cheap Chinese buffet. It's called seeing the facts that keep slapping us in the face like we're red-headed step children. Bush and his tiny minority of dumb, deaf, and blind supporters don't have a freakin clue.

If for some reason we needed more proof of this, Bush clarified his stubborn incompetence and complete ineptitude today by saying "When we start drawing down our forces in Iraq, it will (be) because our military commanders say the conditions on the ground are right, not because pollsters say it’ll be good politics.” Those pollsters are reflecting the large majority of Americans and a large number of military and civilian experts who realize this whole war is FUBAR you idiot. How did this monkey become president?

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