Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Muffling Science for Political Gain

Former surgeon general Dr. Richard Carmona is accusing the Bush administration of muffling science in favor of political gain. Shocking. The following links to the story from the AP. I started quoting good passages but quickly realized the whole thing was quotable.

This is insane! Politics should not be interfering with the surgeon general's work. He should not have Bush aides editing and blocking his speeches/efforts. God forbid we teach (or preach in the case of this administration) something besides abstinence to horny teenagers who will have sex no matter what. He should not be barred from speaking at the Special Olympics because the Kennedys support it.

And then the audacity of the administration (via spokesman Tony Fratto) to say "It's disappointing to us if he failed to use his position to the fullest extent in advocating for policies he thought were in the best interests of the nation. We believe Dr. Carmona received the support necessary to carry out his mission." I'm sick of this administration! I want my country back damn it! Viva la revolucion!

1 comment:

LL said...

You're probably now in some FBI database for the Viva la Revolucion comment...