Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Fair, Balanced, and Sexy

Conservatives like Bill O'Reilly and Laura Ingraham seem to bask in the glory of identifying with FOX News and its standing as the bastion of conservative, moral values. However, the one thing I've noticed is the fact that nearly every time I visit the website there is either an article or video covering a racy, sex-related story. Take a look at some of the recent video headlines...

"Class Dismissed" (Florida teacher quits to pose for Playboy)
"Not Your Average Bookworm" (half-naked female engineering students pose for calendar)
"Hot Heroes!" (elite marine unit poses for calendar)
"Protecting Animals?" (naked state of the union speech from PETA woman)

I visit several news websites each day and FOX definitely has the lead on sexually charged stories. But I'm sure this has nothing to do with the pursuit of ratings (much like those dreadful, value-destroying media outlets like CNN and NBC do) and everything to do with exposing the vile present in society that the liberal media has created. "The internet and some media have hit traditional values hard". Yes they certainly have Bill.

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