The new New Yorker magazine cover features every caricature of Obama and his wife that have been perpetuated by the far right (Obama the muslim, Michelle the angry radical, etc.). Putting aside the fact that I think the Michelle caricature is accurate, I think it's ridiculous for the Obama camp and its supporters to be in an uproar about this. It lends a little credibility to the Muslim caricature that he can't handle a simple cartoon from a magazine that is know for its heavily satirical articles read mainly by more intellectual people who stay abreast of the real issues and facts and not the far right nut jobs that such caricatures are targeted towards (i.e. the ones who would never vote for him anyway!). How many people who believe that Obama is a Muslim supporter of bin Laden even look at the cover of the New Yorker or know what the hell the New Yorker is? More proof that God forbid anyone say or print anything negative about the man who will end poverty, war, sickness, and other ill afflicting the world within his first six days in office.
1 comment:
The Muslim thing is played out and at this point its just ignorant. They never would have attacked George Bush's (or any white president for that matter) religion. That of all things in this country is considered sacred, well at least for the white folk it is.
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