Friday, May 16, 2008

Gay Marriage Ban

The California Supreme Court recently overturned a law banning same-sex marriages that had been approved by California voters. Opponents of the ruling, blinded by shear hatred of homosexuals, argue that the court had no right getting involved and overturning the will of the people. The simple counter is that by that logic the Supreme Court had no right ruling the way it did in Brown v Board of Education. After all, southern states had discrimination laws against blacks that were approved by voters. How are blacks any different than homosexuals? That may sound like an insult but seriously, they're all human beings and citizens of this country.

Why should two gay guys who have been in a committed, loving relationship for years be denied the same benefits as two straight people who have a terrible marriage and hate each other? What's more, why the hell is this an issue wasting tax payers' time and money? Don't we have at least a hundred issues more pressing? Some would say no. Some would say this is the beginning of the downfall of society, that the next steps are legalization of bestiality and pedophelia. Some are idiots.

There is no rational justification for the discrimination. People try to use religion to hide their personal bigotry but without success. Regardless, religion has no place in government. Admittedly, I have a slight bias against homosexuals. Seeing two guys kiss makes me cringe a little. But I'm capable of rationalizing that bias and understanding that it isn't reason enough to discrimante against them. This is a tide that can only be slowed, not reversed. It would be nice if more people realized this and moved on to more important issues.

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