Friday, February 15, 2008

NIU and Gun Control

The killings at NIU renew the debate over gun control once again. Proponents of having a gun for every occasion and situation argue that these incidents would be lessened if more people, including teachers and students, carried fire arms. They say that law-abiding citizens need to be able to protect themselves from the criminals. But what happens when law-abiding citizens with a small arsenal snap? The man who carried out the NIU killings was a model citizen by all accounts, an intelligent guy who legally purchased all four guns. Compare this to the Virginia Tech murderer, who was clearly disturbed, had exhibited very anti-social behavior, but had never committed a crime and who also purchased his guns legally.

Cases such as these illustrate precisely why we need stricter gun control, yet staunch supporters of gun rights merely cry out for more guns and less control. When you care more about your right to own a gun than the fact that less restricted gun ownership is a proven problem, then it makes so little sense that it can only be explained by the disgusting, ignorant, and selfish desire to possess a gun. It's an absurdly blind devotion to an outdated constitutional law. There is no disputing the fact that countries with strict gun laws have far fewer gun-related crimes, especially homicides.

I love guns and firepower as much as anyone else. But I have enough sense and awareness of the greater good to know that I don't need an assault rifle or eight different kinds of guns. No one needs an M-16, AR-15, or AK47. There is absolutely no debating that point. If you want debate the need to protect your home and your family or the right to hunt, fine. Last time I checked any one gun was just as lethal as any other, which means you need maybe one hand gun (protection) and one rifle/shot gun (hunting). If someone breaks into your home, you will not strap on your ammo vest, sling a shotgun over your shoulder, and hunt the intruder down with two Glocks like an action hero. The threat of black market guns is a serious one, but some of the worst shootings in this country's history have been done by previously law-abiding citizens who purchased their guns legally and whose predispositions to such violence may have been caught with stricter gun laws.


Melissa said...

I'm a fan of LL's blog, but I often check out your blog because I like knowing that there are other Republicans like myself that don't fit the typical stereotype of Republicans.

As a gun owner, and advocate of both gun control and owner's rights, I give two thumbs up to this blog entry. I will never understand how hunters, in particular, can support the need for an AK-47. If you need a gun like that, you should really give up hunting because you're no good at it.

The Rational Republican said...

Thank You! Nice to know some people check me out.