Monday, March 10, 2008

Those Studies That Shall Not Be Named

Comments made about gays by Rep. Sally Kern of OK at a small gathering are spreading across the internet. The comments would be laughable for their sheer stupidity and baselessness if they were not so appalling. She begins by saying that the "homosexual agenda" (one of the most hilarious titles I've ever heard) is "destroying this nation." She follows this with an absurd disclaimer that she is not gay bashing and then quickly proceeds to bash, really hard. She describes it as a deadly lifestyle, in which the followers have a "higher rate of suicide and are more discouraged" (could that be due to fear of the discrimination they face from society?).

"Studies show that no society that has totally embraced homosexuality has lasted more than, you know, a few decades".

Keep throwing in those "you know"s. It makes your reference to studies seem really legitimate. Maybe Oklahoma doesn't teach ancient history. The Greeks embraced homosexuality and lasted several years, you know, maybe even hundreds.

"I honestly think it's the biggest threat our nation has, even more so than terrorism or Islam, which I think is a big threat (refering to Islam specifically)."

This is where it veers into just plain stupid and ludicrous. Although some conservatives would have you believe there are roving gangs of gays raping innocent straights and terrorizing bewildered communities across the nation, there are studies that, you know, contradict that. Some studies, you know, show that terrorists like the 9/11 hijackers commit terrible atrocities. And then there are even more studies that, you know, show that few Muslims are fundamentalist militants.

"They're going after two year olds." The story turns laughable again.

Sally Kern, wife of a Baptist minister, has every right to think and say this, no matter how stupid, narrow-minded, and Bible-thumping (God made a short appearance at the beginning of the story) she sounds. And no, the gay lifestyle is not as healthy as the straight one. There are risks. But those risks are assumed by the practitioners. They're not spreading the risks to unwitting, straight individuals, unlike terrorists. And studies today show that, you know, AIDS is not easily transmitted. I bet she stays away from public water fountains. I'm also guessing she's a member of the 500 club. Stupidity like that tends to be attracted by even greater stupidity (kinda like barracudas but with stupidity instead of shiny things).

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