Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Cheney's a Confederate!

The AP is reporting that Cheney went on a hunting trip to the Clove Valley Rod & Gun Club 70 miles north of NY City, where a small confederate flag was visible inside a garage on the property. You can already see where this is going can't you? The link must of course be that if some groundskeeper placed it there, then that must mean Cheney supports lynching black people, right? This is an absurd story fabricated by the media and one that gives fodder to the nuts who support this administration. It gives them an example of the "obvious" liberal bias in the media, especially when the article reads "The photo was shown to New York City civil rights activist the Rev. Al Sharpton, who issued a statement demanding that the vice president "leave immediately, denounce the club and apologize for going to a club that represents lynching, hate and murder to black people." I can picture the reporter thinking "How can I can turn this into a story? Hmmm. I know. I'll go talk to Sharpton. Rev. Klump is always good for a sound bite."

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