Wednesday, August 22, 2007

NAACP: Always on the Wrong Side of the Issue

R.L. White, president of the NAACP Atlanta chapter, held a press conference in which he supported Michael Vick. He also thinks Vick's co-defendants lied when they implicated Vick in order to "save their own necks." Oh and that "Michael Vick has received more negative press than if he had killed a human being." If that was not enough to demonstrate his high aptitude, then according to the AP, "White said he does not support dogfighting and that he considers it as bad as hunting." The only thing NAACPers care about is the color of the guy's skin. If he's black, then it's all a conspiracy trying to keep the black man down. Someone needs to explain in very simple language that there is no way Vick potentially gives up his career if he had absolutely nothing to do with this. Idiots. Water down Vick and electrocute him.

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