Thursday, April 26, 2007

Texas Legislature to Block Cervical Cancer Treatment

Just when you think Texas will rise from the stigma of ignorant, religious-based legislating, it reaffirms itself as a dominant Bible belt state. Gov. Perry's measure to require all sixth grade girls to receive a cervical cancer vaccine was admirable, but maybe too forward thinking for a state where a large block of residents believe such measures promote promiscuity. Admittedly, I too was afraid administrators might pass out leaflets promoting the sexual advantages of getting the shot. I had visions of thousands of sixth grade girls roaming the streets savagely looking for sexual conquest upon sexual conquest.

What's more, I'm sure every opponent of the shot is also a card-carrying member of the pro-life movement. So basically they're willing to risk their daughters dying of cervical cancer in the futile effort to protect their virginity? This is just too damn stupid.

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