Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Nail Em Up
Sen. Ted Stevens of Alaska, chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee and the longest serving GOP senator, was indicted on seven counts for concealing more than $250,000 in gifts from oil services company VECO Corp. VECO employees remodeled his home and the company traded a 35 year old Mustang for a 1999 Land Rover, among many other things. Since federal agents raided the offices of six legislators' offices in 2006, including Ben Stevens' (Ted's son), five have been sentenced to prison and VECO's CEO, Bill Allen, pleaded guilty in May 2007 to bribing state officials. With Allen's cooperation, hopefully the government will be able to nail this 84 year old bastard and send him away for the rest of his short life, and with a miracle he could end up in a federal pound-him-in-the-ass prison. Corrupt politicians like Ted are disgusting and they're increasingly becoming a Republican problem that will simply hand Democrats more seats this year, but with the party in its current state I'm not sure I give a damn.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Obama Camp Censoring the Media

The new New Yorker magazine cover features every caricature of Obama and his wife that have been perpetuated by the far right (Obama the muslim, Michelle the angry radical, etc.). Putting aside the fact that I think the Michelle caricature is accurate, I think it's ridiculous for the Obama camp and its supporters to be in an uproar about this. It lends a little credibility to the Muslim caricature that he can't handle a simple cartoon from a magazine that is know for its heavily satirical articles read mainly by more intellectual people who stay abreast of the real issues and facts and not the far right nut jobs that such caricatures are targeted towards (i.e. the ones who would never vote for him anyway!). How many people who believe that Obama is a Muslim supporter of bin Laden even look at the cover of the New Yorker or know what the hell the New Yorker is? More proof that God forbid anyone say or print anything negative about the man who will end poverty, war, sickness, and other ill afflicting the world within his first six days in office.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
R.I.P. Tony Snow
His principles were misguided in the way that only someone's on the far right (or left) could be, and his demeanor typified the arrogance we expect from this administration, but he seemed like a good person. Rest in peace.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Rove Does Whatever the Hell He Wants? Shocking
Karl Rove ignored a congressional subpoena requiring him to testify today about allegations of political pressure at the Justice Department. The arrogance of this administration, which has hidden behind executive privilege for all of its misdeeds, is appalling. They've treated this country as a playground bully would, breaking the rules and making new ones as they go. However, I can understand why Karl Rove took advantage of his powers. I picture him as the real-life "Buddy Pine" (a.k.a. Syndrome) from "The Incredibles." He was the pudgy dork that everyone picked on in school and then he gets powers and goes after everyone else so he can feel important. He was a pudgy dork then and he's a pudgy, pathetic loser now. I only wish there was a way to send him to a nice "pound-him-in-the-ass" prison.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Jackson Wants Barack's Nuts
Jesse Jackson is making headlines again, this time for insulting Obama. Though Jackson says his comments about wanting to cut Barack's nuts off are soundbites taken out of context and he still fully supports the candidate, they come as somewhat of a shock from a man who would put the interests of black America before those of America as a whole. Jackson cares about blacks and only blacks, so for him to say anything negative about the first black candidate is surprising. People like Jackson and Sharpton are divisive forces within the black community and the Democrat party, and both groups would be better off if such people disappeared from the limelight.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
One Death Closer
This post may not end up being the most tasteful but neither was Jesse Helms, who died yesterday at the age of 86. Social conservatives were quick to laud Helms. The White House said, "America lost a great public servant and true patriot". I won't question his patriotism, though it may have been misplaced on some issues. He served in WWII so I have to give him credit for that. I will question his status as a "great public servant". Men like Helms are no such thing. They're great self servants, successfully pushing their own biases into the public forum.
Helms was a segregationist, though less and less outspoken as racism became more taboo. When he ran against Harvey Gannt, black former mayor of Charlotte, he aired a TV campaign ad that said "You needed that job, and you were the best qualified, but they had to give it to minority because of a racial quota." Racial quotas are definitely wrong, but the message was for a black and lose your job.
Helms was an excellent representation of the ignorance spread by social conservatives. On the issue of homosexuality, he once attributed AIDS to "people deliberately engaging in unnatural acts." However, his shear stupidity may be best exemplified by this piece of direct-mail..."Your tax dollars are being used to pay for grade school classes that teach our children that CANNIBALISM, WIFE-SWAPPING, and the MURDER of infants and the elderly are acceptable behavior." I crack up every time I read that, especially when I realize there is more than one person who believes this stuff. Okay, I can kind of see how conservatives of the Helms variety are dumb enough to think that kids will become gay (cannibalism?) by hearing their teacher talk about tolerance (God forbid), but wife-swapping!
Helms' death takes the party one small step farther from the grasp of religious nut jobs and brings it one small step closer back to reason. He "served" this country far too long.
Helms was a segregationist, though less and less outspoken as racism became more taboo. When he ran against Harvey Gannt, black former mayor of Charlotte, he aired a TV campaign ad that said "You needed that job, and you were the best qualified, but they had to give it to minority because of a racial quota." Racial quotas are definitely wrong, but the message was for a black and lose your job.
Helms was an excellent representation of the ignorance spread by social conservatives. On the issue of homosexuality, he once attributed AIDS to "people deliberately engaging in unnatural acts." However, his shear stupidity may be best exemplified by this piece of direct-mail..."Your tax dollars are being used to pay for grade school classes that teach our children that CANNIBALISM, WIFE-SWAPPING, and the MURDER of infants and the elderly are acceptable behavior." I crack up every time I read that, especially when I realize there is more than one person who believes this stuff. Okay, I can kind of see how conservatives of the Helms variety are dumb enough to think that kids will become gay (cannibalism?) by hearing their teacher talk about tolerance (God forbid), but wife-swapping!
Helms' death takes the party one small step farther from the grasp of religious nut jobs and brings it one small step closer back to reason. He "served" this country far too long.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Siding With Obama (At Least on One Issue)
There are few issues I can side with Obama on, but I have to give him credit for a speech he made two years ago to the liberal Christian group Call to Renewal that is now making national headlines thanks to James Dobson. Dobson, of Focus on the Family, attacked Obama today for that speech made in June 2006, in which Obama stated, "Which passages of scripture should guide our public policy? Should we go with Leviticus, which suggests slavery is OK and that eating shellfish is an abomination? Or we could go with Deuteronomy, which suggests stoning your child if he strays from the faith? Or should we just stick to the Sermon on the Mount?" EXACTLY!
During his radio program, Dobson actually had the balls to say, "I think he's deliberately distorting the traditional understanding of the Bible to fit his own world view, his own confused theology,". So using the Bible to attack homosexuals isn't distorting anything? That one small reference in the Bible still applies because manipulative, self-serving, narrow-minded scum like you say it does? I see. The extent of the hypocrisy among evangelicals never ceases to amaze me, along with their holier-than-thou attitudes. What's more, it's disgusting how men like Dobson get out there and lead congregations against certain actions and people based on their own biases while using the Bible to justify it. All the while they're guilty of some of the very same sins (see Ted Haggard).
During his radio program, Dobson actually had the balls to say, "I think he's deliberately distorting the traditional understanding of the Bible to fit his own world view, his own confused theology,". So using the Bible to attack homosexuals isn't distorting anything? That one small reference in the Bible still applies because manipulative, self-serving, narrow-minded scum like you say it does? I see. The extent of the hypocrisy among evangelicals never ceases to amaze me, along with their holier-than-thou attitudes. What's more, it's disgusting how men like Dobson get out there and lead congregations against certain actions and people based on their own biases while using the Bible to justify it. All the while they're guilty of some of the very same sins (see Ted Haggard).
Friday, June 20, 2008
McClellan Tells Congress What It Should Already Know
Former press secretary Scott McClellan testified before Congress that the Bush administration has been less than truthful on majors issues including Plame and the CIA leak case and the Iraq War, which he also details in his recent book "What Happened". Regardless of his reasons for coming out with this now, whether for book promotion or an attack of conscience, he's merely another voice confirming what we already know, that this a deceitful and inept administration. I doubt his testimony leads to any new developments in Congress' pursuit of the administration, but it is nice to have a former high-ranking Bush official lending more legitimacy to criticisms against Bush and Cheney. I'd like to think it helps quiet some of their supporters, but anyone still backing these bastards is blind, deaf, and completely dumb.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
And Then There Were Two
Unfortunately, Hillary has dropped out of the race. Comically, she is calling for unity weeks after it was apparent she had no chance of beating Obama. I was really enjoying the beating Obama was taking - his dirty laundry being aired by a family adept at muddying someone's good, or not-so-good, name. Hillary's withdrawal also brings reality a little closer. McCain, an elderly candidate no matter how he spins it, is now squarely facing off against a sprightly black man who packs stadiums with people overcome with his eloquence. Hopefully McCain can succeed in keeping Obama's dirty laundry (Wright, Rezko, Ayers, etc.) right under the public's nose, along with the policy issues that Obama is so incredibly weak on, such as his anti-capitalist, populist economic agenda and total lack of foreign policy experience.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Obama Will Get the Nom
God help us. It's frightening looking at the throngs of mindless supporters at his rallies, so overcome with the thought of casting their votes for the first black president that you can practically feel the collective orgasm. Their blissful ignorance feeds itself. The guy is truly a great magician.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Obama's Wesleyan Speech
Obama took over for Ted Kennedy at the Wesleyan commencement ceremony this past weekend. He focused mainly on inspiring the graduates to pursue careers in public service and forget about "the big house and the nice suits and all the other things that our money culture says you should buy." Many on the right will try to vilify him for being hypocritical, just as they did with Gore and global warming. That's the easiest criticism and the one most likely to stick with people. He did a stint in public service, so I won't go there. The real discussion should address what he actually said.
The public sector is definitely in need of young, talented college graduates, but this country thrives on innovation from the private sector. You would never get that from an Obama speech, which is always laced with populist, anti-private sector rhetoric. Unlike some Democratic politicians, I think he actually believes in a populist agenda and that's scary. His economic policies are toally disconnected from reality. He talks about raising the capital gains tax to 28% from 15%. The last time this was done revenues declined. Interestingly, only a small fraction his portfolio is comprised of stocks. He has talked specifically about restricting entire industries. He wants to rein in big pharmaceuticals, the companies that account for our medicinal breakthroughs. He wants to impose a windfall tax on oil companies at a time when we need the oil companies to take those profits and invest heavily in infrastructure to increase production in order to meet rising demand from developing countries. I'm not a mathematical whiz, but I'm pretty sure that less incentives equals less innovation.
How can someone so smart be so stupid? It definitely speaks to his oratory skills that he can get so many people swallowing his "Yes We Can" bullshit without actually analyzing what he's saying. He's like a really great magician, one who can make you think about the mystery and not the science. This country is among the greatest innovators in the world. Under a president Obama that may change.
Lastly, Obama ended his speech with this gem, "At a time of inequality, we need you to work for opportunity." It sounds like Michelle got her hands on this. She likes to believe that racism is around every corner, but this is not the 60s and racism is not pervasive. After he told them "That's your task, Class of 2008" I'm sure everyone was ready to start chanting "Yes We Can" like a bunch of lemmings.
The public sector is definitely in need of young, talented college graduates, but this country thrives on innovation from the private sector. You would never get that from an Obama speech, which is always laced with populist, anti-private sector rhetoric. Unlike some Democratic politicians, I think he actually believes in a populist agenda and that's scary. His economic policies are toally disconnected from reality. He talks about raising the capital gains tax to 28% from 15%. The last time this was done revenues declined. Interestingly, only a small fraction his portfolio is comprised of stocks. He has talked specifically about restricting entire industries. He wants to rein in big pharmaceuticals, the companies that account for our medicinal breakthroughs. He wants to impose a windfall tax on oil companies at a time when we need the oil companies to take those profits and invest heavily in infrastructure to increase production in order to meet rising demand from developing countries. I'm not a mathematical whiz, but I'm pretty sure that less incentives equals less innovation.
How can someone so smart be so stupid? It definitely speaks to his oratory skills that he can get so many people swallowing his "Yes We Can" bullshit without actually analyzing what he's saying. He's like a really great magician, one who can make you think about the mystery and not the science. This country is among the greatest innovators in the world. Under a president Obama that may change.
Lastly, Obama ended his speech with this gem, "At a time of inequality, we need you to work for opportunity." It sounds like Michelle got her hands on this. She likes to believe that racism is around every corner, but this is not the 60s and racism is not pervasive. After he told them "That's your task, Class of 2008" I'm sure everyone was ready to start chanting "Yes We Can" like a bunch of lemmings.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
The Case for Gun Control
This headline is exactly why gun control is necessary...
"Florida Police Say 7-Year-Old Girl Accidentally Shoots Sleeping Mom Twice"
There are many incidents like this every year across the country. Obviously, some people are too stupid to take it upon themselves to ensure their own safety and that of thier kids. And while the small government side of me says to hell with the adults, we do have an obligation protect those too young to know better. The gun was on the nightstand for God sake. All the girl had to do was reach up and pull the trigger.
"Florida Police Say 7-Year-Old Girl Accidentally Shoots Sleeping Mom Twice"
There are many incidents like this every year across the country. Obviously, some people are too stupid to take it upon themselves to ensure their own safety and that of thier kids. And while the small government side of me says to hell with the adults, we do have an obligation protect those too young to know better. The gun was on the nightstand for God sake. All the girl had to do was reach up and pull the trigger.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Petty Principal
South Carolina principal Eddie Walker quit rather than allow a gay-straight alliance club at Imro High School. This is ridiculously childish. God forbid gays and straights try to get along at a young age. Who knows, those immoral subhumans might try to recruit straight students to help achieve the "gay agenda".
Friday, May 16, 2008
Gay Marriage Ban
The California Supreme Court recently overturned a law banning same-sex marriages that had been approved by California voters. Opponents of the ruling, blinded by shear hatred of homosexuals, argue that the court had no right getting involved and overturning the will of the people. The simple counter is that by that logic the Supreme Court had no right ruling the way it did in Brown v Board of Education. After all, southern states had discrimination laws against blacks that were approved by voters. How are blacks any different than homosexuals? That may sound like an insult but seriously, they're all human beings and citizens of this country.
Why should two gay guys who have been in a committed, loving relationship for years be denied the same benefits as two straight people who have a terrible marriage and hate each other? What's more, why the hell is this an issue wasting tax payers' time and money? Don't we have at least a hundred issues more pressing? Some would say no. Some would say this is the beginning of the downfall of society, that the next steps are legalization of bestiality and pedophelia. Some are idiots.
There is no rational justification for the discrimination. People try to use religion to hide their personal bigotry but without success. Regardless, religion has no place in government. Admittedly, I have a slight bias against homosexuals. Seeing two guys kiss makes me cringe a little. But I'm capable of rationalizing that bias and understanding that it isn't reason enough to discrimante against them. This is a tide that can only be slowed, not reversed. It would be nice if more people realized this and moved on to more important issues.
Why should two gay guys who have been in a committed, loving relationship for years be denied the same benefits as two straight people who have a terrible marriage and hate each other? What's more, why the hell is this an issue wasting tax payers' time and money? Don't we have at least a hundred issues more pressing? Some would say no. Some would say this is the beginning of the downfall of society, that the next steps are legalization of bestiality and pedophelia. Some are idiots.
There is no rational justification for the discrimination. People try to use religion to hide their personal bigotry but without success. Regardless, religion has no place in government. Admittedly, I have a slight bias against homosexuals. Seeing two guys kiss makes me cringe a little. But I'm capable of rationalizing that bias and understanding that it isn't reason enough to discrimante against them. This is a tide that can only be slowed, not reversed. It would be nice if more people realized this and moved on to more important issues.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Bush Shifts the Blame, Again
In the same interview in which he expressed his solidarity with soldiers' families (see below), Bush once again shifted blame for faulty intelligence to the many unnamed "intelligence communities all across the world." He conveniently leaves out his and Cheney's push for that faulty intelligence and their push even after entering Iraq to continue creating the intelligence necessary to justify the decision. What's sad is that after nearly eight years of complete ineptitude there are people so delusional and stubborn that they still swallow the crap Bush and the rest shovel out. And more frustrating, they are prominent people who affect others, like Limbaugh, Hannity, and O'Reilly.
War Hurting Bush as Much as Anyone
Turns out our fearless leader gave up golf back in 2003 because "I feel I owe it to the families [of the soldiers] to be in solidarity as best as I can with them". The comments came during a recent interview regarding the faulty intelligence that lead to the Iraq War. What do you even say to something like this? I'm sure the families of our fallen soldiers are comforted by the fact that our cowardly president temporarily gave up his hobby.
Always a master wordsmith, Bush also said that he "didn't want some mom whose son may have recently died to see the commander in chief playing golf". "Some mom"? Damn some moms for spoiling all the fun. He'll have to play more of his second favorite game out of the public eye. Hide and seek with Spot. The guy is so completely out-of-touch with America it's obscene. If he gave a damn about the Katrina disaster I wonder what he would have done to show his solidarity with those families. Given up video games perhaps? Not finishing his vacation would have been a nice start. How is it that the greatest country in the world has twice elected such a stupid, callous, immature rube?
Always a master wordsmith, Bush also said that he "didn't want some mom whose son may have recently died to see the commander in chief playing golf". "Some mom"? Damn some moms for spoiling all the fun. He'll have to play more of his second favorite game out of the public eye. Hide and seek with Spot. The guy is so completely out-of-touch with America it's obscene. If he gave a damn about the Katrina disaster I wonder what he would have done to show his solidarity with those families. Given up video games perhaps? Not finishing his vacation would have been a nice start. How is it that the greatest country in the world has twice elected such a stupid, callous, immature rube?
Friday, May 9, 2008
Clinton Should Drop
At this point there is virtually no chance Clinton could become the nominee. Obama has won a significant majority of the super-delegates and once-ardent supporters are switching to the his camp. There were many people on the fence who ultimately sided with Obama at the last second. I think her memory of this uncertainty among voters is now clouding her judgement at a point when nothing she does will reverse their decisions. If she hopes to get those votes when she runs again, she should try not to piss them, and the party in general, off. At this point, she's just helping McCain, which seems to be obvious to everyone but her.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Attacking Wright "Unfair"?
Pastor Wright recently did an interview with PBS complaining that critics were being "unfair" and "devious". Poor thing. I can see how he might view the criticisms as "unjust". It's not like there's anything unfair about calling this the US of KKK or leading a congregation in singing God Damn America. This piece of shit deserves every bit of vitriol he's getting, and I'm sick of hearing him, Obama, and Obama's supporters crying about how unfair the whole thing is. Whether you're black, brown, white, or whatever, this is politics. Deal with it.
The "soundbites" we've been hearing are more than just the work of devious, white supremacists intent on keeping the black man down. They are statements that represent Wright's core beliefs, beliefs that he reinforced at a recent eulogy with similar statements. Obama attended his "church" and was taken under his wing and damn it Obama deserves all of the scrutiny he's getting, including his relationship with Ayers. But God forbid we critize too loudly the first black man with a shot in hell of becoming president. That makes us all racists. I think his supporters would blindly defend him through just about anything.
The "soundbites" we've been hearing are more than just the work of devious, white supremacists intent on keeping the black man down. They are statements that represent Wright's core beliefs, beliefs that he reinforced at a recent eulogy with similar statements. Obama attended his "church" and was taken under his wing and damn it Obama deserves all of the scrutiny he's getting, including his relationship with Ayers. But God forbid we critize too loudly the first black man with a shot in hell of becoming president. That makes us all racists. I think his supporters would blindly defend him through just about anything.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Fair and Balanced Moment of the Day
One of's primary headlines today reads,
"'Eco-therapy' confronts apocalyptic anxieties of eco-freaks going nuts over global warming and the environment".
Wow. Eco-freaks going nuts. LOL. How do they claim to be a real news network and keep a straight face?
"'Eco-therapy' confronts apocalyptic anxieties of eco-freaks going nuts over global warming and the environment".
Wow. Eco-freaks going nuts. LOL. How do they claim to be a real news network and keep a straight face?
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Catholic Hypocrisy
Since the news is currently flooded with stories on the Pope and his visit, I figure now is a good time to air some criticisms/questions I have of Catholicism. The aspect of it that irks me the most is the worship of a man who is elected by other men to live in a palace whose artwork alone could end world hunger. And if you threw the palace into the auction, you could probably end poverty too. Yet throngs of followers line up to catch a glimpse of him like fans at a Miley Cyrus concert.
Here is a man who preaches about helping the poor, yet he wears Prada and surrounds himself with a private art collection that by all accounts is priceless.
Here is a man who is supposedly the only one who can speak with God, yet he's elected by mere men. But if those mortal men receive divine inspiration from God at election time, why then do they often disagree and require several rounds of smoke signals to get it right?
Growing up I understood the pope to be a man who was supposed to live as Jesus did, devoting his life and worldly possessions to helping those who cannot help themselves. That was when I was about 10 and didn't know any better. This institution was born out of man's greed and desire for power. No where in the Bible does it mention a leader like the Pope. Look back at all those centuries when the Vatican was amassing its wealth. How did they do it? The popes acted like ruthless, machiavellian dictators and waged war on other countries. Becoming pope was just as ruthless, eliminating rivals and bribing others for their support. And yet people still worship him like Jesus without questioning why this man lives larger than royalty but who tells those with a tiny fraction of his wealth to go without in order to serve those in need. Wake up! This is bullshit.
And all of this grandeur trickles down to the Catholic communities around the world, where lavish churches with gold-plated fixtures are erected to pray to a God who tells us to do the exact opposite and give to those less fortunate. That is what Catholicism basically boils down to. An ostentatious religion of grandeur designed for show.
Plus, the current Pope looks like pure evil. Just look at those shady, sunken eyes. Hollywood couldn't create a more sinister-looking villain.
Here is a man who preaches about helping the poor, yet he wears Prada and surrounds himself with a private art collection that by all accounts is priceless.
Here is a man who is supposedly the only one who can speak with God, yet he's elected by mere men. But if those mortal men receive divine inspiration from God at election time, why then do they often disagree and require several rounds of smoke signals to get it right?
Growing up I understood the pope to be a man who was supposed to live as Jesus did, devoting his life and worldly possessions to helping those who cannot help themselves. That was when I was about 10 and didn't know any better. This institution was born out of man's greed and desire for power. No where in the Bible does it mention a leader like the Pope. Look back at all those centuries when the Vatican was amassing its wealth. How did they do it? The popes acted like ruthless, machiavellian dictators and waged war on other countries. Becoming pope was just as ruthless, eliminating rivals and bribing others for their support. And yet people still worship him like Jesus without questioning why this man lives larger than royalty but who tells those with a tiny fraction of his wealth to go without in order to serve those in need. Wake up! This is bullshit.
And all of this grandeur trickles down to the Catholic communities around the world, where lavish churches with gold-plated fixtures are erected to pray to a God who tells us to do the exact opposite and give to those less fortunate. That is what Catholicism basically boils down to. An ostentatious religion of grandeur designed for show.
Plus, the current Pope looks like pure evil. Just look at those shady, sunken eyes. Hollywood couldn't create a more sinister-looking villain.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Torching the Fence
According to a story by the AP, border officials say the fence has only forced illegal immigrants to bring along extra equipment for their journey to the U.S., including ladders, bungee cords, and various blow torches. Agents "almost immediately" started seeing cuts in the fence after its construction. Wait, you mean the fence might not be working! Shocking. We wasted how much money building this damn thing? And yet for some reason the simple-minded proponents of the fence couldn't foresee this. It amazes me when supposedly smart people manage to only see the world in black and white, as if immigrants were actually going to walk up to the fence, decide its not worth it, and go back home. Idiots. And so not only do we have the cost of construction we have the daily cost of repair.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Liberal Media Trash
CNN's latest iReport, a form of journalism that allows readers to post opinions, narratives, pictures, and videos, is "Being Black in America". I'm sick of this "whoah is the black man" crap. Yes there is still racism in this country and it's being perpetrated on more than just the black man. But things like this perpetuate the notion that racism is everywhere when in fact we're far from that. This doesn't help blacks. It holds them back, much like affirmative action does today. It ingrains in them a sense of self-pity and does little to forge unity among the races, because ultimately the submissions are about one person's struggle to make it in white America. That's really what the title is..."Being Black in (White) America". At least CNN didn't use the incorrect term African-Americans.
Bush Is An Idiot
I realize the title of this post could be applied to just about any post regarding Bush, but since I have not used it yet and since it fits quite well with the topic, today is the day. Following Petraeus' recommendation to put a hold on troop withdrawals, Bush recently told reporters that the General will "have all the time he needs", which is basically another big "fuck you" to the American people. We keep getting strung along with stories about "progress", "staying the course", and Iraq being on the brink of functional. It's all bullshit designed to keep us following a carrot we can't see but which we're told is right in front of our faces, kind of like the WMDs. We're just not focusing. If the "surge" is really a permanent troop increase in disguise, then for God's sake call it that.
Anyway, this brings me to Bush's stupid moment of the day, or hour in his case. In response to criticism labeling Petraeus' recommendations as a "pause", our scholarly leader had this to say...
"That's misleading because none of our operations in Iraq will be on hold".
No shit. I would certainly hope the order isn't going out to stop operations. But I could see how Bush might get bored, escape from his handlers, issue an order for everyone to freeze, and the slowest soldier is out. It'd be a fun game with 150,000 people. Actually when I first read the statement, I pictured John Stewart impersonating Bush and saying "You see, everyone would have to stop moving for it to be called a pause. He he. I haven't given that order yet, so people are still moving. Things are still happening. Oh look at the kitty."
The FOX News article is great. It talks about the troop levels as "A sore point for Democrats." No it's a sore point for Americans. Read the polls you journalistic hacks.
Anyway, this brings me to Bush's stupid moment of the day, or hour in his case. In response to criticism labeling Petraeus' recommendations as a "pause", our scholarly leader had this to say...
"That's misleading because none of our operations in Iraq will be on hold".
No shit. I would certainly hope the order isn't going out to stop operations. But I could see how Bush might get bored, escape from his handlers, issue an order for everyone to freeze, and the slowest soldier is out. It'd be a fun game with 150,000 people. Actually when I first read the statement, I pictured John Stewart impersonating Bush and saying "You see, everyone would have to stop moving for it to be called a pause. He he. I haven't given that order yet, so people are still moving. Things are still happening. Oh look at the kitty."
The FOX News article is great. It talks about the troop levels as "A sore point for Democrats." No it's a sore point for Americans. Read the polls you journalistic hacks.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
FOX Hits a New Low
This is pathetic even by their extremely low standards of journalism. Chest crisis?
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Beautiful Empty Rhetoric
That pretty much sums up Obama. The candidate gave a speech today on his "plans" to fix the economy, all of which were in keeping with the Democrat principles of big government and more restrictions. The caption on's lead story sums it up nicely, "Democrat calls for tougher regulations, but offers no specifics on exactly how the government should go about peering over the shoulders of bank executives." Three major tenets are the following:
1. Expand oversight to any institution that borrows from the government.
2. Toughen capital requirements for complex financial instruments like mortgage securities.
3. Streamline regulatory agencies to end overlap and competition among regulators.
This is typical. Blame capitalism for the economy's ills, promise lots of government regulation to make sure nothing bad ever happens again while giving no specifics on how government will achieve anything, and then watch it all fail. The last decade has certainly taught us that executives left to their own devices will skirt the system and that regulation is necessary, but people will always be looking for new schemes and ways around regulations. When you say "expand oversight to any institution that borrows from the government" it sounds a lot like broader versions of the Sarbanes Oxley regulations, which have increased costs for American corporations and driven them to delist from our exchanges.
1. Expand oversight to any institution that borrows from the government.
2. Toughen capital requirements for complex financial instruments like mortgage securities.
3. Streamline regulatory agencies to end overlap and competition among regulators.
This is typical. Blame capitalism for the economy's ills, promise lots of government regulation to make sure nothing bad ever happens again while giving no specifics on how government will achieve anything, and then watch it all fail. The last decade has certainly taught us that executives left to their own devices will skirt the system and that regulation is necessary, but people will always be looking for new schemes and ways around regulations. When you say "expand oversight to any institution that borrows from the government" it sounds a lot like broader versions of the Sarbanes Oxley regulations, which have increased costs for American corporations and driven them to delist from our exchanges.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Wright Makes Obama Wrong
The comments made by Rev. Jeremiah Wright at one of his sermons shortly after 9/11 exposes an ugly side of Obama that few supporters, particularly whites, are willing to accept. Supporters claim that the media is taking an isolated incident and painting an inaccurate and ugly picture of Wright, and they decry the statements as mere soundbites strung together. Obama of course wants to put this aside and move past the politics of race and unite and blah, blah, blah. No no. Pay no attention to what's behind the curtain. We need to move forward. Bullshit.
When a central theme of your campaign is unity and it comes out that your pastor of the last 20 years who has been a close friend, mentor, and advisor (both spiritually and on the campaign trail) is a racist firebrand, then you deserve every bit of scrutiny and we should pause to examine it a little closer. It doesn't matter what race you are. When your pastor says "God damn America" and compares the plight of al Qaeda to that of blacks, you leave and never come back, assuming you disagree. What people are totally ignoring is the fact that this was not an isolated incident. It was not a Tourette's moment many years ago. These statements go to the core of what Wright believes. Maybe the sermon was unusual, but you cannot honestly believe that such statements were never made in any other sermons. It is beyond naive to think that. It's just plain stupid.
What's more, Wright has a close relationship to worst racists like Farrakhan and Jackson. Am I to assume then that giving the keys to the White House to Obama means giving a greater voice to those who deserve none at all, particularly in light of Obama's constant unity message? Plus, based on what I've read about his wife, she seems to fit into the picture of the angry black church in Chicago. Her thesis in Princeton railed against white racism and yet in interviews she has no recollection of it, which is curious since a thesis usually requires an entire semester to write and typically reflects the culmination of what you've learned.
What is even more frustrating is the blind eye Obama's white supporters are turning to this issue. It's as if they're so desperate to vote a black into office, they'll ignore and shout down as racist any criticism that comes his way. As usual, he made an articulate speech on the issue that wrapped his white supporters one more time around his finger, but the comments and his relationship to the man who made them make this something to strongly consider when thinking about Obama.
When a central theme of your campaign is unity and it comes out that your pastor of the last 20 years who has been a close friend, mentor, and advisor (both spiritually and on the campaign trail) is a racist firebrand, then you deserve every bit of scrutiny and we should pause to examine it a little closer. It doesn't matter what race you are. When your pastor says "God damn America" and compares the plight of al Qaeda to that of blacks, you leave and never come back, assuming you disagree. What people are totally ignoring is the fact that this was not an isolated incident. It was not a Tourette's moment many years ago. These statements go to the core of what Wright believes. Maybe the sermon was unusual, but you cannot honestly believe that such statements were never made in any other sermons. It is beyond naive to think that. It's just plain stupid.
What's more, Wright has a close relationship to worst racists like Farrakhan and Jackson. Am I to assume then that giving the keys to the White House to Obama means giving a greater voice to those who deserve none at all, particularly in light of Obama's constant unity message? Plus, based on what I've read about his wife, she seems to fit into the picture of the angry black church in Chicago. Her thesis in Princeton railed against white racism and yet in interviews she has no recollection of it, which is curious since a thesis usually requires an entire semester to write and typically reflects the culmination of what you've learned.
What is even more frustrating is the blind eye Obama's white supporters are turning to this issue. It's as if they're so desperate to vote a black into office, they'll ignore and shout down as racist any criticism that comes his way. As usual, he made an articulate speech on the issue that wrapped his white supporters one more time around his finger, but the comments and his relationship to the man who made them make this something to strongly consider when thinking about Obama.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Republican state legislators are demanding Spitzer resign within 48 hours or face impeachment. I wonder what the deadline would be if he were a Republican. Conservatives must be so thrilled that the latest scandal didn't involve one of their own.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Those Studies That Shall Not Be Named
Comments made about gays by Rep. Sally Kern of OK at a small gathering are spreading across the internet. The comments would be laughable for their sheer stupidity and baselessness if they were not so appalling. She begins by saying that the "homosexual agenda" (one of the most hilarious titles I've ever heard) is "destroying this nation." She follows this with an absurd disclaimer that she is not gay bashing and then quickly proceeds to bash, really hard. She describes it as a deadly lifestyle, in which the followers have a "higher rate of suicide and are more discouraged" (could that be due to fear of the discrimination they face from society?).
"Studies show that no society that has totally embraced homosexuality has lasted more than, you know, a few decades".
Keep throwing in those "you know"s. It makes your reference to studies seem really legitimate. Maybe Oklahoma doesn't teach ancient history. The Greeks embraced homosexuality and lasted several years, you know, maybe even hundreds.
"I honestly think it's the biggest threat our nation has, even more so than terrorism or Islam, which I think is a big threat (refering to Islam specifically)."
This is where it veers into just plain stupid and ludicrous. Although some conservatives would have you believe there are roving gangs of gays raping innocent straights and terrorizing bewildered communities across the nation, there are studies that, you know, contradict that. Some studies, you know, show that terrorists like the 9/11 hijackers commit terrible atrocities. And then there are even more studies that, you know, show that few Muslims are fundamentalist militants.
"They're going after two year olds." The story turns laughable again.
Sally Kern, wife of a Baptist minister, has every right to think and say this, no matter how stupid, narrow-minded, and Bible-thumping (God made a short appearance at the beginning of the story) she sounds. And no, the gay lifestyle is not as healthy as the straight one. There are risks. But those risks are assumed by the practitioners. They're not spreading the risks to unwitting, straight individuals, unlike terrorists. And studies today show that, you know, AIDS is not easily transmitted. I bet she stays away from public water fountains. I'm also guessing she's a member of the 500 club. Stupidity like that tends to be attracted by even greater stupidity (kinda like barracudas but with stupidity instead of shiny things).
"Studies show that no society that has totally embraced homosexuality has lasted more than, you know, a few decades".
Keep throwing in those "you know"s. It makes your reference to studies seem really legitimate. Maybe Oklahoma doesn't teach ancient history. The Greeks embraced homosexuality and lasted several years, you know, maybe even hundreds.
"I honestly think it's the biggest threat our nation has, even more so than terrorism or Islam, which I think is a big threat (refering to Islam specifically)."
This is where it veers into just plain stupid and ludicrous. Although some conservatives would have you believe there are roving gangs of gays raping innocent straights and terrorizing bewildered communities across the nation, there are studies that, you know, contradict that. Some studies, you know, show that terrorists like the 9/11 hijackers commit terrible atrocities. And then there are even more studies that, you know, show that few Muslims are fundamentalist militants.
"They're going after two year olds." The story turns laughable again.
Sally Kern, wife of a Baptist minister, has every right to think and say this, no matter how stupid, narrow-minded, and Bible-thumping (God made a short appearance at the beginning of the story) she sounds. And no, the gay lifestyle is not as healthy as the straight one. There are risks. But those risks are assumed by the practitioners. They're not spreading the risks to unwitting, straight individuals, unlike terrorists. And studies today show that, you know, AIDS is not easily transmitted. I bet she stays away from public water fountains. I'm also guessing she's a member of the 500 club. Stupidity like that tends to be attracted by even greater stupidity (kinda like barracudas but with stupidity instead of shiny things).
Height of Hypocrisy
Eliot Spitzer, former NY attorney general and current NY governor, admitted today that he was a client of a high-end prostitution ring. Here's a guy who made a name for himself very publicly prosecuting criminals, including members of prostitution rings. Why is it always the most outspoken ones? How can you not realize it's going to come back to bite you? What's more, why do the wives always stand next to their husbands at these press conferences in a show of support? It makes them look pathetic, and it has to be humilitating. Ted Haggard's wife was laughable.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Texas and Ohio
Hillary had an incredible resurgence yesterday, capturing Texas, Ohio, and Rhode Island, states billed as must-wins for her. No matter the results, Hillary was bound to keep fighting all the way to Denver, as many believe that ultimately it will all come down to the super delegates. With record voter turnouts being widely publicized, the Democratic process is getting a much-needed boost. It's disgraceful how little interest and care Americans have historically had in the selection of the person for the most powerful office in the world. The race between Obama and Clinton is also helpful to McCain, as the two are sure to air each others dirty laundry, thus reducing the legwork for McCain's staff.
Divine Intervention
God finally told Huckabee to throw in the towel. Thank you God! Hopefully that's the last we hear from the ignorant, intolerant preacher, but I doubt it.
Friday, February 22, 2008
To Hell With Polar Bears
If there is such a thing as polar bear hell, Alaska is probably more closely resembling it every day, as the polar ice cap, which provides refuge for the bears, is quickly melting. Despite a U.S. Geological Survey study that predicts Alaskan polar bears could be wiped out by 2050 and other studies that predict the ice cap could be gone by 2030, Republican politicians from Alaska dispute the findings, drawing on their extensive backgrounds in various sciences. I love it when Republican politicians with no scientific training shout down credible research based solely on their own disgusting self-interests.
Speaking of such politicians...Senator Ted Stevens, the same one who is under investigation for corruption due to his dealings with oil servicing companies, weighed in with his expert analysis, saying that listing the polar bears as endangered "would establish a dangerous precedent based on mathematical models instead of biological observations." Last time I checked there were numerous "biological observations" that issued the same warnings. The only explanation for their positions is corruption. They have a vested interest in decrying global warming. Why else would they fight so ardently against something 99% of scientists have agreed is a serious, looming problem? But lets say that thousands of experts are wrong. What is the harm in taking the threat seriously until it is debunked by 99% and not 1%? What's the worst thing that could happen? You breath a little fresher air?
Speaking of such politicians...Senator Ted Stevens, the same one who is under investigation for corruption due to his dealings with oil servicing companies, weighed in with his expert analysis, saying that listing the polar bears as endangered "would establish a dangerous precedent based on mathematical models instead of biological observations." Last time I checked there were numerous "biological observations" that issued the same warnings. The only explanation for their positions is corruption. They have a vested interest in decrying global warming. Why else would they fight so ardently against something 99% of scientists have agreed is a serious, looming problem? But lets say that thousands of experts are wrong. What is the harm in taking the threat seriously until it is debunked by 99% and not 1%? What's the worst thing that could happen? You breath a little fresher air?
Friday, February 15, 2008
NIU and Gun Control
The killings at NIU renew the debate over gun control once again. Proponents of having a gun for every occasion and situation argue that these incidents would be lessened if more people, including teachers and students, carried fire arms. They say that law-abiding citizens need to be able to protect themselves from the criminals. But what happens when law-abiding citizens with a small arsenal snap? The man who carried out the NIU killings was a model citizen by all accounts, an intelligent guy who legally purchased all four guns. Compare this to the Virginia Tech murderer, who was clearly disturbed, had exhibited very anti-social behavior, but had never committed a crime and who also purchased his guns legally.
Cases such as these illustrate precisely why we need stricter gun control, yet staunch supporters of gun rights merely cry out for more guns and less control. When you care more about your right to own a gun than the fact that less restricted gun ownership is a proven problem, then it makes so little sense that it can only be explained by the disgusting, ignorant, and selfish desire to possess a gun. It's an absurdly blind devotion to an outdated constitutional law. There is no disputing the fact that countries with strict gun laws have far fewer gun-related crimes, especially homicides.
I love guns and firepower as much as anyone else. But I have enough sense and awareness of the greater good to know that I don't need an assault rifle or eight different kinds of guns. No one needs an M-16, AR-15, or AK47. There is absolutely no debating that point. If you want debate the need to protect your home and your family or the right to hunt, fine. Last time I checked any one gun was just as lethal as any other, which means you need maybe one hand gun (protection) and one rifle/shot gun (hunting). If someone breaks into your home, you will not strap on your ammo vest, sling a shotgun over your shoulder, and hunt the intruder down with two Glocks like an action hero. The threat of black market guns is a serious one, but some of the worst shootings in this country's history have been done by previously law-abiding citizens who purchased their guns legally and whose predispositions to such violence may have been caught with stricter gun laws.
Cases such as these illustrate precisely why we need stricter gun control, yet staunch supporters of gun rights merely cry out for more guns and less control. When you care more about your right to own a gun than the fact that less restricted gun ownership is a proven problem, then it makes so little sense that it can only be explained by the disgusting, ignorant, and selfish desire to possess a gun. It's an absurdly blind devotion to an outdated constitutional law. There is no disputing the fact that countries with strict gun laws have far fewer gun-related crimes, especially homicides.
I love guns and firepower as much as anyone else. But I have enough sense and awareness of the greater good to know that I don't need an assault rifle or eight different kinds of guns. No one needs an M-16, AR-15, or AK47. There is absolutely no debating that point. If you want debate the need to protect your home and your family or the right to hunt, fine. Last time I checked any one gun was just as lethal as any other, which means you need maybe one hand gun (protection) and one rifle/shot gun (hunting). If someone breaks into your home, you will not strap on your ammo vest, sling a shotgun over your shoulder, and hunt the intruder down with two Glocks like an action hero. The threat of black market guns is a serious one, but some of the worst shootings in this country's history have been done by previously law-abiding citizens who purchased their guns legally and whose predispositions to such violence may have been caught with stricter gun laws.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Baseball and The Republican Party
Prior to today I had never stopped to think about the involvement of partisan politics in the steroids scandal rocking baseball. That was naive I suppose. The associated press issued an article today saying the lawyer for McNamee, Clemens' former trainer, predicts Bush will pardon Clemens if he is criminally charged, because "some Republicans treated his client harshly because of the pitcher’s friendship with the Bush family." According to the AP article, "Many Democrats were skeptical of Clemens’ denials he used performance-enhancing drugs and Republicans questioned the character of McNamee." There is something seriously wrong with this party. Clemens clearly used steroids. Just look at the guy now versus his rookie year. But noooo, we gotta circle the wagons cause he probably went on a bike ride with this limp dick, ignorant rube of a president. Justice and reason be damned.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Potomac Primaries
With Obama sweeping Maryland, DC, and Virginia, Clinton's prospects are looking dimmer. Ohio and Texas are now must-win states. The race may very well come down to the super delegates, whose loyalties are much disputed. Many Obama supporters talk of shady back room dealings that will throw it Clinton's way, but just as convincing are the arguments discussing the widespread distrust or resentment among the delegates against the Clintons for various infractions during Bill's presidency. But thank God McCain pulled it out over Huckabee in Virginia. I hope that's the final slap in the face Huck needs to call it quits.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
McCain's the Nom
Romney dropped out today after spending more than $40 million of his own money. HA! And of course the news outlets are there to analyze what went wrong. Hmmm. I wonder what could have helped his campaign. Oh, maybe not shifting all of his positions to pander to various groups, especially social conservatives. As part of his concession speech, Romney had this to say...
"If I fight on in my campaign, all the way to the convention, I would forestall the launch of a national campaign and make it more likely that Senator Clinton or Obama would win. And in this time of war, I simply cannot let my campaign, be a part of aiding a surrender to terror".
I thought I heard something about Democrat plans to invite Bin Laden to stay a night in the Lincoln bedroom. Romney gave us a parting reminder of why he failed. I hate this talking point. It's such an ignorant play on people's emotions.
I feel better and better about my party as each one of these nuts drops off. The only one left is Huckabee, who happens to be the biggest. However, what worries me now is that McCain will pick up one of the previous contenders as a running mate, none of whom would be good for this country. In a bid to boost his conservative credentials and re-energize the evangelicals he may pick up a Hunter, Huckabee, Romney-like candidate. But I think he's smart enough to know that that is not where America is and that that would be the quickest way to end his candidacy. I'm just surprised Romney threw it in before Huck. But then again, Huck has God on his side spurring him to victory. What a loon.
"If I fight on in my campaign, all the way to the convention, I would forestall the launch of a national campaign and make it more likely that Senator Clinton or Obama would win. And in this time of war, I simply cannot let my campaign, be a part of aiding a surrender to terror".
I thought I heard something about Democrat plans to invite Bin Laden to stay a night in the Lincoln bedroom. Romney gave us a parting reminder of why he failed. I hate this talking point. It's such an ignorant play on people's emotions.
I feel better and better about my party as each one of these nuts drops off. The only one left is Huckabee, who happens to be the biggest. However, what worries me now is that McCain will pick up one of the previous contenders as a running mate, none of whom would be good for this country. In a bid to boost his conservative credentials and re-energize the evangelicals he may pick up a Hunter, Huckabee, Romney-like candidate. But I think he's smart enough to know that that is not where America is and that that would be the quickest way to end his candidacy. I'm just surprised Romney threw it in before Huck. But then again, Huck has God on his side spurring him to victory. What a loon.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Gonzales 2.0
Under questioning from the Senate Judiciary Committee, AG Muksaey had this to say about waterboarding
It wouldn't be appropriate for me to pass definitive judgment on the technique's legality.
You're the top law enforcement officer in the nation and it wouldn't be appropriate?! This is the same shit this administration always pulls when questioned. "We don't need to discuss this, everything's fine, look the other way." And then the White House and its supporters accuse those asking the questions of wasting time on frivolous inquiries. I'm sick of this administration's contempt for rule of law.
It wouldn't be appropriate for me to pass definitive judgment on the technique's legality.
You're the top law enforcement officer in the nation and it wouldn't be appropriate?! This is the same shit this administration always pulls when questioned. "We don't need to discuss this, everything's fine, look the other way." And then the White House and its supporters accuse those asking the questions of wasting time on frivolous inquiries. I'm sick of this administration's contempt for rule of law.
Florida Offers Some Relief
With a petty, vindictive, and exploitative mayor placing a distant third and an ignorant Baptist minister no where to be seen, the results in Florida offer some hope that the Republican party can be saved from the neocon, religious nut jobs who have held it hostage. Granted, Florida is more liberal than some but it's an important state and combined with similar recent primary results it has pushed Giuliani out, put one more nail in Huckabee's campaign, and put McCain (the most palatable of the candidates) in the lead. This should change little with Super Tuesday just around the corner, when other important states like California and New York head to the polls. We just need to shake that damn positionless Mormon.
And what the hell is wrong with the Democratic primaries? Some states get delegates but others don't because they moved up their primaries? Come on. Grow up. We ought to be encouraging the democratic process. Taking away a states delegates, as the DNC did with Michigan and Florida, does nothing but penalize the democratic process and further disenfranchise those who feel like their vote does not count.
And what the hell is wrong with the Democratic primaries? Some states get delegates but others don't because they moved up their primaries? Come on. Grow up. We ought to be encouraging the democratic process. Taking away a states delegates, as the DNC did with Michigan and Florida, does nothing but penalize the democratic process and further disenfranchise those who feel like their vote does not count.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Bush to Address Earmarks
Among the usual ra ra ra for the wars, Bush plans on addressing the issue of earmarks in his State of the Union. Bush is expected to announce that he will sign an executive order "directing agencies to ignore any future earmarks included in report language, but not in the legislation". Abolishing earmarks by itself is an admirable goal, albeit a naive one. It's how Congress works unfortunately. But this feels like a step to sabotage Congress. Like it's all part of their plan to blame the Democrats for this administration's failures. An elaborate dine and dash. Bush let the Republican Congressmen run amok with earmarks and pork when the Republicans were in power and didn't give a damn. This is a piss poor attempt to try to reverse his legacy and avoid going down as one of the worst presidents ever. I can't wait til this hypocritical piece of shit is out.
Also included in the excerpts in this hackneyed talking point, "Some may deny the surge is working, but among the terrorists there is no doubt. Al Qaeda is on the run in Iraq, and this enemy will be defeated". This coming from the same administration that for nearly four years believed that if it just kept saying such crap we would win. Crap like "the insurgency is in its final throws". I believe the surge the is working. And I'm damn glad it is. But victory in Iraq should not be based solely on a military victory. Iraq has given little indication that it is ready politically and socially to "stand up". I want to hear less about the great surge and more concrete explanations of how in the hell the Iraqis are going to cooperate politically and socially to achieve the Democratic utopia that Bush described after his first reason for going to war turned out to be bullshit lies. God he disgusts me.
Also included in the excerpts in this hackneyed talking point, "Some may deny the surge is working, but among the terrorists there is no doubt. Al Qaeda is on the run in Iraq, and this enemy will be defeated". This coming from the same administration that for nearly four years believed that if it just kept saying such crap we would win. Crap like "the insurgency is in its final throws". I believe the surge the is working. And I'm damn glad it is. But victory in Iraq should not be based solely on a military victory. Iraq has given little indication that it is ready politically and socially to "stand up". I want to hear less about the great surge and more concrete explanations of how in the hell the Iraqis are going to cooperate politically and socially to achieve the Democratic utopia that Bush described after his first reason for going to war turned out to be bullshit lies. God he disgusts me.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Giuliani Vying for Third
The only campaign run as badly as Thompson's has to be Giuliani's and his all-in bet on Florida. Polls now show the mayor running third! How's that strategy working for you now? If you're dumb enough to listen to a campaign strategist who tells you to campaign in just one state, you don't deserve to be president. I can hear Giuliani's lisp now..."maybe if I mention 9/11 to every person I meet and in response to every question, my numbers will go back up".
Fair and Balanced Moment of the Day
Could FOX be any more reverent of Bush? The featured story is FOX's upcoming documentary "George W. Bush: Fighting to the Finish" about the hunt for bin Laden, with the following picture of him bathed in the American flag. It's disgusting.

This picture is far more appropriate.

This picture is far more appropriate.

The Phelps Clan Can Rot in Hell
The Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, KS, known for picketing soldiers' funerals with signs like "Thank God for IEDs" and "God Hates Fags", is planning to protest outside Heath Ledger's memorial service in response to Ledger's role as a gay cowboy in "Brokeback Mountain". Shirley Phelps, ignorant bitch of a daughter to the ignorant bastard Fred Phelps, said "You cannot live in defiance of God. He (Ledger) got on that big screen with a big, fat message: God is a liar and it's OK to be gay," If we thinned these people from the herd would it really be a crime? Surely it is a capital offense to be so voluntarily stupid that you're this hateful.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Oh Yeah Hunter's Out Too
Duncan Hunter, who never had a shot in hell of becoming the nominee, announced the other day that he's out. But here is what gets me: Hunter and Huckabee are nearly the same candidate and yet Huckabee is a front runner. Both are essentially Bush 2.0 with extra religious zeal. And yet one pulled way ahead. The only difference I can spot is Huckabee's support of the "Fair Tax".
Thompson Opts for More Sleep
Thompson announced today that he's out of the race, ending possibly the biggest non-starter in the history of political campaigns. He had massive support and coverage going into this and he let it all go. I would bet there has never been a candidate so completely responsible for their own failure. It was his to lose and he just didn't show up. And it probably didn't help that when he did wake up long enough to campaign he spoke in Forest Gumpisms. It'll be really interesting to see how quick his trophy wife leaves.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Delegates or Headlines?
The results of the Nevada Democratic caucuses present an interesting question: Who really won, Hillary or Obama? While Obama picked up 13 delegates to Hillary's 12, news headlines gave the victory to Hillary for winning the "delegate equivalent". In an age in which people rely on headlines and soundbites rather than read into the meat of a story, I would argue the victory goes to Hillary, especially since she is presenting herself as a candidate who stumbled in the beginning but has since "found her voice" thus allowing her to regain the confidence of the American people and regain the momentum. The public wants a quick decision and news outlets gave it to them. Furthermore, in the wake of the 2000 elections, in which Bush won the presidency despite the popular vote, there may be a particular sensitivity to the will of the people, particularly among Democrats.
God's Forgetting About Huckabee
According to the Baptist preacher it is God's desire that he become president. With recent losses in New Hampshire, Michigan, and most recently South Carolina, it would appear that God is forgetting about his intolerant, ignorant, bigot of a child. Unfortunately he is still in the running, which still presents a sad commentary on the state of the Republican Party and its shift to the religious right.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Rewrite The Constitution?!
News of Huckabee's recent remarks regarding the rewriting of the Constitution are beginning to surface. At a campaign rally he argued that the document should be rewritten to reflect Christian values. And what's worse is that people were cheering their stupid heads off.
I'm so infuriated I don't know where to begin. This is supposed to be a free and tolerant country with a separation of church and state. We criticize and mock theocratic countries like Iran and yet we have a front runner who is an intolerant, ignorant evangelical minister! There is no defense for his remarks, though many supporters will try. In fact Huckabee did try, or rather the prick tried to dismiss the notion he suggested amending the Constitution.
I am praying he drops like rock, as he should. The America I believe in would not have this bastard as one of two candidates vying for the most powerful office in the world. Not even today's warped Republican party could support this. The mainstream news outlets have not run with the story yet but soon hopefully. And as if this is not enough to disqualify him, stories portraying a vindictive and unethical governor are very slowly surfacing. They can't come soon enough.
I'm so infuriated I don't know where to begin. This is supposed to be a free and tolerant country with a separation of church and state. We criticize and mock theocratic countries like Iran and yet we have a front runner who is an intolerant, ignorant evangelical minister! There is no defense for his remarks, though many supporters will try. In fact Huckabee did try, or rather the prick tried to dismiss the notion he suggested amending the Constitution.
I am praying he drops like rock, as he should. The America I believe in would not have this bastard as one of two candidates vying for the most powerful office in the world. Not even today's warped Republican party could support this. The mainstream news outlets have not run with the story yet but soon hopefully. And as if this is not enough to disqualify him, stories portraying a vindictive and unethical governor are very slowly surfacing. They can't come soon enough.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
I try not to listen to the lard-filled ignorance that is Limbaugh, but I caught a couple minutes of him the other day during one of his rants against the mainstream media, which by some biased logic does not include FOX. Anyway, he was deriding the news outlets for declaring Romney and Rudy as being on their last breathes. FOX's headline reads..."Romney's Last Stand?" 2008 Hopeful Makes Final Plea". CNN, NBC, and the rest are stating the obvious. Rudy and Romney really are about dead. They need victories soon. And what strategist told Giuliani, who was widely predicted to be the Republican nominee, that he should only campaign in Florida? That has kept him out of the spotlight and therefore out of people's minds. At times I think he dropped out.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
McCain/Clinton Win New Hampshire
I would almost be happy about McCain's win if it were not for the fact that he has pandered to the religious right. And Falwell of all people! It's like selling your soul to the devil. He's still probably the best Republican candidate out there. My hope is that he's merely giving lip service to the religious right.
But I couldn't be happier about Rudy's and Thompson's nose dives. Rudy has exploited 9/11 almost since 9/12. And Thompson was doomed from the beginning. He approached this like he did the Senate. He woke up long enough to be heard and then went back to sleep. I'm guessing his trophy wife is pissed as hell. As for Clinton, I guess there is crying on the campaign trail. There are so many things and so many people wrong with this election. It's one giant freak show. What the hell is happening to politics in this country?
But I couldn't be happier about Rudy's and Thompson's nose dives. Rudy has exploited 9/11 almost since 9/12. And Thompson was doomed from the beginning. He approached this like he did the Senate. He woke up long enough to be heard and then went back to sleep. I'm guessing his trophy wife is pissed as hell. As for Clinton, I guess there is crying on the campaign trail. There are so many things and so many people wrong with this election. It's one giant freak show. What the hell is happening to politics in this country?
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Clinton's Attempt to Be Human
Clinton was on CNN last night explaining that she does in fact feel things. This was in response to a question concerning her emotional "breakdown" on Monday night in Portsmouth, which she says proves she has emotions. Whew! Check that one off the list. The woman spent some time in the White House, knows how to handle the "Republican attack machine" (despite crying over campaign pressures), and has emotions. Moving on people.
I can't help but feel the whole thing was calculated, as if she and her staff sat down and said "Obama pulls on people's heartstrings and emotions, but most think you're an emotional blackhole, so if you ever get the chance to shed a tear go for it". It feels like a shameless attempt to get back in the race. The woman has criticized her opponents for trying to marginalize her as a woman and then she goes and cries? Yeah that should make everyone think you belong. Man or woman, it doesn't matter. Just like in baseball, there's no crying on the campaign trail. It's weakness. Period.
I can't help but feel the whole thing was calculated, as if she and her staff sat down and said "Obama pulls on people's heartstrings and emotions, but most think you're an emotional blackhole, so if you ever get the chance to shed a tear go for it". It feels like a shameless attempt to get back in the race. The woman has criticized her opponents for trying to marginalize her as a woman and then she goes and cries? Yeah that should make everyone think you belong. Man or woman, it doesn't matter. Just like in baseball, there's no crying on the campaign trail. It's weakness. Period.
Friday, January 4, 2008
What Has The Country Come To?
Last night's Iowa caucus results were devastating. The fact that a minister, who is so clearly biased towards Christianity and intolerant of other faiths and so clearly ignorant in the way only an evangelical minister could be, could so overwhelmingly take a state is extremely disconcerting, especially after seven years of Bush's religion-infused government. I know that's Iowa and that it's just one state, but it's significant momentum going into the other primaries, which follow so closely to one another it makes it difficult for other candidates to catch up. I hate nearly all of the Republican candidates, but for God's sake a minister! We might elect an intolerant minister to run the land of the free?
Although the Democrat race was much closer, Obama's 38% to Edwards' 30% is still a large margin of victory for a man who has the least experience and the most naivety of anyone in the Democrat field. I think the Democrat voters electing Obama are so overcome by their desire for change that they've been swept away by Obama's celebrity as the black outsider bent on solving all of the world's problems in just eight years. If it comes down to Obama versus Huckabee, I think the swing voters, of which there are a huge number, will disproportionately swing to Huckabee as the "safer", more practical choice. This is completely FUBAR.
Although the Democrat race was much closer, Obama's 38% to Edwards' 30% is still a large margin of victory for a man who has the least experience and the most naivety of anyone in the Democrat field. I think the Democrat voters electing Obama are so overcome by their desire for change that they've been swept away by Obama's celebrity as the black outsider bent on solving all of the world's problems in just eight years. If it comes down to Obama versus Huckabee, I think the swing voters, of which there are a huge number, will disproportionately swing to Huckabee as the "safer", more practical choice. This is completely FUBAR.
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